Monday, May 29

Nothing much going on..

Sorry, I haven't posted lately.. not that RACHEL has much to say about that!!!! ahem...

Anyway, my parents have been out of town for the last few days. In that time, I have realized that it would not be such a great idea for me to live alone. When people are around, I have no problems entertaining myself, but leave me alone for too long and I end up living in my pajamas all day long.

As it is, mid July I am moving into a house with my best friend and her kids. It should be fun. I am really excited. Sure, its still in Grantsville, but I think it will really help boost my mood.

One day I will have to figure out a way to elaborate on what has been going on in my life these past 2 months. Its hard to talk about things so close to me, but one day...

Suffice it to say, events have cause a few good things, and a few bad things to take place. 20 pounds lighter, and a couple habits deeper, I am here...alive and kicking, and biking, and sweating...

Blue skies..smiling above me....

1 comment:

Erika said...

Twenty pounds? Good for you Rebecca! Hang in there and I hope other good things are right around the corner.