Lets see if I can manage to keep this thing going with a post every single day for the next month in a way that doesnt put ya'll to sleep. If you start getting bleary eyed, just tell all your insomniac friends where they can turn...
So, question of the day...
If the definition of love is to care more about someone else than you do about yourself, what happens when you realize that its not reciprocated? Sure, there's love and caring, but not love as defined above...
I'm good at loving myself, even better at loving other people more... so, how do you balance loving yourself and giving yourself to someone else? And how do you get yourself back....
There was an episode of Seinfeld that discussed this issue. It was called "hand". If you had "hand" in a relationship, it meant that the other person loved you more, therefore giving you more power.
Is every relationship like this? Does someone always end up worried that "this is the last straw and they will walk away"... if so, why is it worth it?
1 comment:
my friend... in a more perfect world 'love' is not a game that is played but something in which you can always rely, a place that you are warm and comfortable and safe... like the soft downy layers of your warm bed. In a more perfect world, you wouldnt have to give yourself, and no one else would either. 'Love' would just be. People wouldnt walk away from one another, people would never inflict pain, there would never be the ugly phrase of 'broken hearted'. 'Love' wouldnt necessitate compromise. (I know I misspelled something there...) Something I learned about Power: Control is an illusion. We have no control over anyone or anything. We manage our situation. We do not control them. By managing them we have power. Power is real. Power is our choices. With our choices we decide who or what we give our power to. With each of our choices we have consequences. Some good some bad. We need to keep in mind what kind of consequences we would like in our lives. So, How are you using your power ? your choices ? Are they good choices or bad ones ? What are the consequences to the choice at hand ? Is it good or bad ? How will this affect you and those in your life ? Is it worth risking everything ? Is it safe ? Just a few things to consider before making choices. Keep in mind that no one will have power over you only if you let them. That does not mean there is not consequences. For every action or choice there are conseqences. SO keep in mind How are you using your POWER ? Remember when all is said and done when it comes right down to things it was your choice that made you decide how to manage things that happen. It was totally up to you. Its not so and so's fault that you acted the way you did or made the choice you did. The choice was totally yours and yours only. SO again How are you using your Power (choices) ?
That was very powerful to me.. my sister shared it with me. I'm not saying your choices or behaviorisms are wrong in any way.. just realize that these words ring true for EVERYONE. From the richest of men to the poorest... wealth being a relative term.. but thats another tangent.
I love you, completely. You are my sister in heaven and on earth. I will be there for you through eternity.
enough blah blah.. we need to get down to business, get us some ice cream, popcorn and soda, some oversize spoons, overstuffed pillows, some kleenex and some really good chick flix. Game?
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